S. Robertson Engineering, P.A.

Achieving longevity through practicality for modern-day needs. (919) 345-3801

Going Up!

Adding a second story requires several steps from assessing feasibility to the structural design.

The Z-House

What a privilege to work with Mr. Jose Lopez, AIA on the “Z House,” a unique architectural creation!


It has been a pleasure, a challenge, and absolute fun working on the structural design for Arielle Schechter’s beautiful, contemporary design.

10% Discount Quiz for Clients

Trivia quiz from my recent trip to England! Be the first to answer all eight(8) questions and you’ll have earned a 10% discount on any engineering service you may need. 

From the Studio of…

To my architectural clients (and other interested folks): For this Blog Entry I have included some pictures that I took from the studio of my friend, Giorgia, who lives in the region of Marche, Italy.

Garage Door Portal Changes

Just wanted to remind folks about the implementation of R602.10 Code and Commentary for 2012 NC Residential Code.  I am providing a link to the amendments…